What the PRACTICE is:
The World Peace Project is a series of individual and group performances involving ancient rites used traditionally for enlivening life-supporting changes in the individual, communal, and natural environments. Procedures include oral recitation, group practice, and meditation.

Unlike works of art that cause the outside world to fall away, the World Peace Project foregrounds a thinkable and present world radiating with the enduring peace that dwells in the silent depths of human awareness. As a practice this is both a spiritual exercise and civic responsibility.
Group Dynamics
Comparable to the superstring theory in physics, pulsating waves flow from everything in the universe, affecting the collective consciousness of others. Meditation can prevent social violence and promote peace through large-scale group practice.
Other Voices
“The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make. And could just as easily make differently.”
David Graeber, Anthropologist
- The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy
Melville House

Daily Life
Enlightenment is not a hypnotic state of self-delusion or self-denial. The state of enlightenment represents the ultimate development of what we ordinarily consider to be the most valuable qualities of life.